Friday, June 24, 2011

Out of ICU

Trenna was moved out of ICU at about 1:30 p.m. and is now in a nice, big room on the Neuro Floor. Prior to moving, she started to feel a lot of pain, perhaps because the pain meds were wearing off. By the time we got to the new room, her pain had elevated from a 4 to a 9 (on a scale of 1-10). It took them about an hour to get everything squared away, but she is now resting after having taken pain and nausea medication (respectively). Her pain level is back to a 4.

Just a note, she still cannot/should not receive visitors except for family. We've been relaying messages to her to let her know how wonderful all of her friends are, though!

Her swallowing is still not fully functional. It doesn't necessarily hurt her, but she says that it feels like the left side of her throat is going to collapse. This is making her really nervous and keeping her from relaxing. It's also keeping her from wanting to eat or drink.

So, the nausea is still really strong, as is her pain, and she's still having problems swallowing. Please pray for all of these things, and pray for her stress level to go down.

On a happy note, she looks as beautiful as ever, and her color has come back! She was able to sleep a little bit this afternoon while we prayed the Moleban again for her and the Akathist to St. Panteleimon.

Thanks, guys!



  1. Glory to God! I will continue to pray for those specific things. +++

  2. Thanks for the updates Shannon. What do the doctors say about her throat? Is this from the tube or something that could be wrong with her throat? Not sure if you know but was wondering. Please give her my love.

  3. She certainly looks as beautiful as ever. Who else could come through a surgery like this looking like she is ready for date night (except maybe for the gown!)?

    Ever praying! xxx xxx

  4. still praying for all of you! much love.

  5. Let Trenna know that her godchildren in Texas all wish her kisses and hugs:) Even her grand-god-babies are dying to kiss her! :)

  6. I am definitely relaying ALL of these messages to her. She's pretty exhausted, but we keep reminding her of how much everyone loves her and is praying for her. It makes her REALLY happy :)
