Saturday, June 25, 2011

End of Day 3

We just got back to a visit from the hospital with Alex and Emily (with baby Olivia in tow--we took her in shifts in the downstairs lobby) to check in on Trenna. She is doing SO MUCH BETTER, and is looking much more like her "real" self. She was very chipper and talkative, which surprised us a lot considering that yesterday was pretty rough for her. She's had a steady flow of visitors today, which was comforting as well, and also allowed for Mitch to have a little dinner break with some very close family friends.

Here's some updated info on the current state of things:

Praise God for...
- Trenna's FABULOUS nighttime nurse, Michelle!!!! We feel so trusting of her care for our dear mother; she is truly a gifted and compassionate nurse.
- Trenna is able to talk and socialize, and is being distracted by the ability to sit up and enjoy conversations today.
- Swallowing, nausea, and general pain are all a little improved compared to yesterday.
- Awesome nurse Michelle is committed to having her pain stabilized at 4 so that she can hopefully get some good sleep tonight. (much of the day yesterday and especially late-afternoon were pretty draining, so she did not sleep well).
- Trenna did not have any traumatic events in the first 24 hours of her bloodclot. The clot has been so carefully monitored because during the first 24 hours of clotting in the brain, there is a 60-70% chance of traumatic events (heart attack, stroke, etc.) to take place. We are EXTREMELY thankful that she passed through those dangerous waters unharmed. According to the Doctors, after the first 24 the likelihood of such events diminishes to 5% chance.

Trenna and the family would appreciate your prayers for....
- Resolution of the bloodclot
- Wisdom for the doctors as to how to treat the clot should it not resolve. Bloodclots are often treated with a Heparin Drip, but because of the surgery and the fact that the clot is in her brain, this treatment could cause a brain-bleed and is therefore too dangerous.
- That brain swelling will continue to diminish
- That Trenna is protected from DVT (Deep Venous Thrombosis) She is undergoing preventative treatments and measures for this now, but if the condition were to develop that could be very bad and dangerous.

Trenna is so so thankful for the prayers of her extended church family and friends. She expressed again and again the gratitude for your prayers, and begged that they continue. I kept saying "if you don't want to give me the details, you don't have to! I don't want thinking about it to pain you!" But she wanted to tell me EVERYTHING that she could remember so that her "network" can pray about these specific thoughts and fears.

Trenna has switched to oral pain killers, which are difficult to swallow and don't work as well as the intravenous meds. However, she understands the importance of changing over to the pills so that she can help prepare herself to go home. No official word yet as to when she'll be going home...need to know more about the clot before that will be determined.

Thanks again for your continued prayers and support for Trenna and all of us. They are so uplifting and helpful to us all at this time. Keep 'em coming!!

-mary & andrew


  1. That is such an awesome post to read. Trenna you are a true inspiration to those around you. So thankful that you are doing well. Love Fran

  2. Glory to God for all things! I'm home with a sore throat and stomach bug, but I know all of St. Barnabas will be praying for Trenna this morning. And I'll be praying with them, only at home. Thanks be to God for all the good reports and such a wonderful night nurse! I have been and will continue to pray for everything you mentioned. With love and trust in Christ our Savior. When next you see her, if you can, please squeeze Trenna's hand and kiss her cheek for me. Michele
