Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Your prayers and needed!

Please find below an update from Trenna regarding her MRI that is scheduled for today 7/20 at Cedars Sinai:

"Please pray for me, as I have had a pretty bad headache since last night that is not really relieved through pain meds. So they scheduled me for an MRI @ Cedars at 8 tomorrow morning, then an appt w the doc. I am also very nauseated. Mitch just spoke with Dr. Black's PA, and she wants me to go to the ER, so we will see.

Please pray that it is nothing serious and perhaps just a migraine.

Thank you so much!

Update: Trenna did NOT end up going to the ER, but the headache is still worrisome, painful and distracting, to say the least.

Thanks and always for your support and prayers! We will try to update after the MRI with any results/updates.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Getting back to Normalcy

So nice to be able to kiss my sweet granddaughters!!!!! Though I can't really pick them up yet, it was great to snuggle them a little bit!!!!